Self Portraits

Part II

Part I

Part III

Life is a melody of perspectives

Trials and Tribulations


Good evening! This is your pilot speaking. You're flying aboard the Explorer 747. I’ll be taking you on a 3 part journey of self discovery and exploration. I admit I expect some turbulence along the way but in the meantime sit back and enjoy the ride

On our journey we’ve reached our lowest point. The abyss that resides our sorrows, worries and pains. This desert of a place will test us to the core of our being. As we face this unprecedented challenge, we are reminded that in life when we are tested we can either give up or rise to the occasion. The choice is yours

If you've made it this far, it means that you've made a powerful decision - the decision to persevere, to confront your challenges head-on, and to fight for your beliefs with unwavering and relentless determination. This decision transforms you into a stronger, better version of yourself. As we prepare for our final descent, I can't predict what lies ahead on your individual journeys. Some may encounter joy and abundance, while others may experience periods of sadness and pain. However, I can promise you that if you stay the course and keep moving forward, things will get better. Thank you for joining me on this journey; it's been a pleasure having you aboard, and I hope you've enjoyed the ride